Virtual International Players Ladder"We have the players if you have the balls!" RulesLast modified on Saturday, January 22, 2005GENERAL INFORMATION
These are recommended for VIP Ladder matches. Players may play a race to whatever both player agree upon BEFORE the match starts. If players cannot agree, they must follow these recommendations: NOTE: Matches played for multiple reports are NOT allowed.
POINT SYSTEM The point system is based on (not exactly) the USCF rating system. This point system uses statistics to determine "win expectancy". It provides a more accurate portrayal of a player's skill. The maximum number of points that a player can win in a match is 100. Statistically, a skilled player is EXPECTED to win in a match against a lesser skilled player. If two players in a match are ranked the same (according to the VIP Ladder points), the winner will receive half of the available points for the match (half of 100 = 50 points). If two players in a match are not equally skilled and the skilled player wins the match, the winner will receive less than half of the available points for the match (possibly even zero points). If the lesser skilled player wins the match, the winner will receive more than half of the available points for the match (up to 100 points). In all cases, the loser loses the number of points that the winner wins (points are transferred). Virtual Pool has internal rules to determine when a foul is made. A foul is made if you scratch, if you do not hit your ball first, if the lowest ball is not hit first (only in rotation or nine ball) or if a ball does not go to the rail on a missed shot. Since these rules are internal, Virtual Pool will automatically tell players, switch turns and give the shooter "ball in hand". Do NOT pass your turn to your opponent unless you are sure it is your opponent's turn and are willing to accept the consequences if you are wrong! If Virtual Pool drops packets (gets confused with who's turn it really is), confirm the current score with your opponent, restart and continue play from your current scores. Slop shots count! No need to call the pocket, kisses, banks or caroms. The ONLY exception to this rule is when shooting on the eight ball in an eight ball match. See the EIGHT BALL SPECIFIC rules for more information. NINE BALL SPECIFIC
The standard rule for shooting the 9-ball is: "The winner is the first player to pocket the 9-ball in any pocket with a legal shot or when the opponent forfeits the game as the result of a foul." A combo on the 9-ball is perfectly legal even if the previous shot was a foul and the combo is setup with ball-in-hand - with one small exception. In real pool it's illegal to place the cueball directly against the object ball. VP3 doesn't recognize the cueball against the object ball as a foul. Therefore, we recommend that players leave a noticable gap between the cueball and the object ball when setting up any ball-in-hand shot. At all times, the benefit of doubt goes to the shooter. If the shooter places the cueball directly against the object ball and pockets the 9-ball with no other foul, it's a win for the shooter. We recommend that players play honestly and provide a noticable gap between the cueball and the object ball when setting up any ball-in-hand shot. Any discrepancies go to the shooter. EIGHT BALL SPECIFICIn regulation eight ball, the shot on the eight ball must be called. This is true for our ladder also. To avoid confusion, I suggest that the pockets be numbered clockwise from one through six as if you were standing at the head string (the line behind which you break). Therefore if you were standing at the head string end of the table, the top right corner pocket would be number one, the right side pocket would be number two, the bottom right pocket would be number three, the bottom left pocket would be number four, the left side pocket would be number five and the top left pocket would be number six. Like this: 6 1 ----------- | | | . | | | 5| |2 | | |---------| <- head string | | ----------- 4 3 In addition, your opponent must confirm your call by repeating it back to you. For those of you who do not know... You can send text messages to each other by pressing the "/" key (ALT-C in VP1). Do NOT shoot at the eight ball until you get confirmation of the called pocket from your opponent. It is not necessary to call a kiss, bank or carom on any shot (including the shot on the eight ball). WARNING! READ THIS!NOTE: This rule applies no matter how simple (or obvious) the shot is. Even if you are shooting after a foul and the eight ball is half in the pocket. YOU MUST CALL THE SHOT. I cannot stress how important this is. You have been warned! I have been informed that some versions of Virtual Pool contain different internal rules. Specifically, some versions of Virtual Pool do not count scratching on the 8 ball as a loss. The official VIP Ladder rule is: A SCRATCH WHILE SHOOTING THE 8 BALL (WHETHER THE 8 BALL IS POCKETED OR NOT) IS A LOSS. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER VIRTUAL POOL COUNTS THE LOSS. Basically, you lose if:
ROTATION SPECIFICDue to the amount of time required to play a game of rotation, players may choose to play a race to three (3) games (rather than 5). NOTE!!!These rules are subject to change. Check back often for new rules and changes. |
Page last modified: Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 12:07:01